傳說若翰洗者是愛色尼派的成員之一。愛色尼派(希伯來語:אִסִּיִים,Isiyim,希臘語:Εσσήνοι,Εσσαίοι,或Οσσαίοι, Essḗnoi,Essaíoi,Ossaíoi),也是猶太教派,活躍在公元前2世紀到公元1世紀的第二聖殿時期。愛色尼人分布在各大城市,過著集體生活,推崇禁欲主義(有的甚至單身)、安貧樂道、每日清潔。在當時,很多相關教派共享相似的神秘主義、末世來世、默西亞觀、和禁慾的苦修。
關於愛色尼派的認識,特別透過死海古卷(Dead Sea Scrolls)最為清楚。該古卷於1947年的死海附近的古木蘭(Qumran) 出土,故名為死海古卷。古卷主要是羊皮紙,部份是莎草紙。抄寫的文字以希伯來文為主,當中也有少數由希臘文、亞蘭文、納巴泰文和拉丁文書寫。我們是透過死海古卷的文字記錄,略了解愛色尼派的世界觀還有他們的末世觀。
耶穌對若翰洗者也很是欣賞。若翰的使命是作耶穌的先驅,他在耶穌出道前已離開荒野,走遍約但河一帶地方,宣講悔改的洗禮,為得罪之赦。(參考路 3:2-3) 若翰比耶穌更早向群眾說這句話:『你們悔改吧!因為天國臨近了。』(參考瑪 3:32 及 4:17) 耶穌的一個門徒請求耶穌教給他們祈禱,『如同若翰教給了他的門徒一樣』(路 11:1),可見於眾人心中若翰的師長地位不亞於耶穌。然而,若翰是謙遜的。他向群眾承認自己不是默西亞,而是在曠野裏呼喊者的聲音,負責修直上主的道路。
The Prophet John
Written by Fr Anthony Heng,CDD.
Tradition holds that John the Baptist was a member of the Essenes. The Essenes (Hebrew: אִסִּיִים, Isiyim; Greek: Εσσήνοι, Essaíoi, or Οσσαίοι, Essḗnoi, Essaíoi, Ossaíoi), a Jewish sect, were active during the Second Temple period, from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE. These communities, spread across various cities, practiced a communal lifestyle characterized by asceticism (some even chose celibacy), contentment with poverty, and daily purification rituals. Many contemporary sects shared similar beliefs in mysticism, the afterlife, messianism, and ascetic practices.
Our understanding of the Essenes is significantly enriched by the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered near Qumran in 1947. Composed primarily of parchment and papyrus, these scrolls were written mainly in Hebrew, with a smaller portion in Greek, Aramaic, Nabatean, and Latin. Through these texts, we gain insights into the Essenes' worldview and their eschatological beliefs.
This historical context helps us understand the religious practices of the time. In today's terms, the Essenes lived ascetic lives of spiritual devotion. Evidence suggests that John the Baptist was likely drawn to this lifestyle from a young age and joined their community.
Within this community, John studied the Old Testament, particularly finding inspiration in the ascetic life of the prophet Isaiah. Eventually, he left the Essene community at Qumran and retreated to the wilderness for solitary devotion, becoming known as "the voice in the wilderness." As the Gospels reveal, his lifestyle was austere, subsisting on locusts and wild honey.
Influenced by Isaiah's righteous example, John developed a strong sense of justice. His eschatological beliefs motivated him to become the "forerunner of Jesus," preparing the way for Jesus' ministry. Despite some who considered him the Messiah, John clearly stated that Jesus was the true Messiah. He famously declared, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, 'After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.' I myself did not know him; but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel" (John 1:29-31).
Jesus held John the Baptist in high regard. John's mission was to prepare the way for Jesus, and he traveled throughout the Jordan River region, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John proclaimed, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2). Jesus' disciples even asked him to teach them to pray "as John taught his disciples" (Luke 11:1). Yet, John remained humble, acknowledging that he was merely a voice crying in the wilderness.
Jesus affirmed John's significance, saying, "Among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (Matthew 11:11). This is because John understood his role as God's servant and lived accordingly.
Through the life of John the Baptist, we see a deep commitment to faith, particularly his emphasis on a life wholly devoted to God. He transcended worldly power and status, embracing a simple life as a means of drawing closer to God.
While John learned from the Essenes, he also applied these teachings to his everyday life. Many Christians study the Bible and discuss it, but few are willing to serve the Word and the community. John's example challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and actively proclaim the kingdom of God, becoming pioneers in the spiritual realm.